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Sunday, August 12, 2007

Chocolate Mousse Pudding

I want to explore more about pudding. Now I try to combine pudding with chocolate mousse. Trararararara.... this is the result....
The taste was proofed at my office. All of my friends there feel have good taste about my pudding. I was happy because I can make happy to my friends too.

The bottom of pudding was almond pudding, then thai flowers pudding and the top was chocolate mousse. The combination was not to sweet, smells good, and soft.
The topping was chocolate, white chocolate moulding like flowers and cherry.

"Chera, I like it, its not too sweet so this is better." Thanks.
"Chera, this is smell good." Yes, thats Thai flowers smell.
"Wow, I like this mousse and combine with pudding is good." Thanks :)

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