Finally, Alhamdulillah ...
It's our new online store that selling fresh cakes, cookies, and pudding.
We only make it by order.
If you want to order, please contact us.
Yupi yupi yupiiiiiii.....
It's our new online store that selling fresh cakes, cookies, and pudding.
We only make it by order.
If you want to order, please contact us.
Yupi yupi yupiiiiiii.....
Thanks a lot for my husband, my daughter, Sherri Brown and all of you my friends ...
subhanaLlah... chera emang te-o-pe be-ge-te deh!... :x
sukses buat bisnis barunya di rumah barunya ya... :-*
Hai Mbak, makasih yah :D
Hehehe iseng iseng berhadiah Mbak.
Salam buat Fatheen ;)
keren banget kartunya......
boleh dunk aku dibikinin.. hehe
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